Security+ Certification

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Security+ Certificationsssssss

Course Number:2580258
Duration: 60 Hours Hours
CIS 140 - 40 clock hours

This course will focus on the following technical features: Systems Security: systems & peripheral security threats, workstation & server security procedures and applications, Network Infrastructure: ports & protocols security threats, network security tools, vulnerabilities and mitigations for network devices, transmission devices and wireless, Access Control: industry best practices, control model differentiation, appropriate rights and privileges, authentication models and components, physical access security methods, Assessments & Audits: vulnerability assessment execution, penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, monitoring methodologies and timing, logging procedures and evaluation, Cryptography: cryptography concepts, hashing concepts, algorithm mapping, encryption concepts, protocol implementation, public key infrastructure and certificate management, Organizational Security: redundancy planning, disaster recovery procedures, incident response, legislation and organizational policy, environmental controls, social engineering mitigation. Students will be able to identify fundamental concepts of computer security and security threats, have the skills to harden internal systems and services as well as internetwork devices and service, know the be able to implement secure network communications, establish security best practices for creating and running web-based applications, become familiar with managing public key infrastructure (PKI) and certificates, be capable of enforcing organizational security policies, be equipped to monitor the security infrastructure and manage security incidents.

Prerequisites: Network+ Certification.

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